Venetian Plaster News (Year 2018)

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Instagram Giorgio Graesan & Friends
Posted on 12/12/2018

How can we help you sell Giorgio Graesan and Friends materials by convincing even the most undecided individuals?!

There are many ways to answer this question: certainly our first commitment in this sense is to create catalogs that are even more engaging and rich in information, in order to transmit the primary characteristics of each material.

Today, thanks to our showroom in Milan, we can expand our catalogs with images depicting our materials in new contexts, photo shootings made by stylists among the most experts in the sector published in magazines, as well as some of the most beautiful images selected from more than thousand works we publish in our Facebook group every month; all of this to attract our customers to your stores and provide your with a set of images and always up-to-date ideas. You can find all these goodies on INSTAGRAM @giorgiograesanshowroom.

Marie Claire Maison - October Issue
Posted on 28/09/2018

Have you ever noticed that blue is the color chosen by most successful social networks for their own logo?!

Known for its calming action, blue is a cold but enveloping color, capable of transmitting an immediate feeling of serenity.

The designer Bruno Tarsia also chose this color to represent the trend of this fall, and selected ISTINTO PIETRA INTAGLIATA as a texture, with a finishing of Gioia mother-of-pearl reflections in SB tone from our Colors of London collection.

Don't miss the opportunity to show your customers the multitude of beautiful atmospheres you can create with our products. You can find them in the latest October issue of Marie Claire Maison!

Muro Naturale - Second Edition
Posted on 15/06/2018

Muro Naturale is a lime based product with marble powders of various sizes, natural minerals and MICA. We presented it in November 2017, in the first edition of the catalog.

Muro Naturale is intended for large surfaces, complete homes, prestigious offices and entire shops. Therefore, we want to present it as a prestigious, healthy, natural and sophisticated wall, in SOLID COLOR.

It differs from Segui il Tuo ISTINTO, which use is mainly for bathrooms, kitchens, walls behind the beds and fireplaces. In short, single walls or small interventions.

The purpose of this second edition of the catalog is to differentiate the two products and the two different uses.

Here are the main differences from the first edition:

  • The photos of the applied product are in sequence, giving the sensation of a solid color.
  • The color palette is in a single page and can be viewed at a glance.
  • The inclusion of Pietra Levigata in the catalog. This insertion is due to the fact that it is applied in the same way and it is addressed to the same market of large surfaces.

The second edition of the catalog is in distribution these days and will soon be available from our resellers for free.

T-SHIRT 2018 Make Art not War
Posted on 03/06/2018

Like every year in this period, we sell our T-SHIRT with Make Art not War brand through our dealers.

This symbol has been with us for 4 years and, with pride, we continue to offer it in many initiatives and especially in our clothing, turning an object otherwise used only for work, into something useful and positive.

Moreover, this edition is celebrating 11 September 2001: we want to remember with the special logo embroidered that we disagree on what happened and shout why it should not happen anymore.

This SHOUT will be particularly strong this month because we will give out a free T-SHIRT for every 24 KG can of Segui il tuo ISTINTO, Spatula Stuhhi, Muro Naturale e Spirito Libero.

The tag behind the neck is reminiscent of this message. Here you can see the photo of the tag.

What makes this shirt special is the fully embroidered logo. An exclusive item to highlight the beauty and strength of our message.

The brands of 'Creative Painters', which remind us of our new profession, 'Suggeriamo Pareti Creative', our slogan and mission and on the back 'Giorgio Graesan and Friends' logo are softly present.

These T-SHIRTS will be delivered to our dealers starting from 1st June 2018.

After that date, every order of 24Kg can of the above products, for any quantity and while stocks last, will grant you to receive a Free T-SHIRT.

We want to wish you to
Make Art not WAR

Istinto in the most beautiful houses in the world
Posted on 21/05/2018

We are pleased to inform you that AD Architectural Digest Italia has chosen one of the apartments designed in our Milan showroom for its selection of May of the most beautiful houses in the world.

When we opened our showroom in Milan, I never thought that in a short time we would be able to reach such a high level of clientele.
Nomad Architecture, the studio that took care of the design of this princely apartment, to say the least, was one of those realities that we followed from afar. It was a coincidence to bring their owner, the architect Selina Bertola, in our space. Immediately affected by our material effects Istinto, she designed for the landlady a shining bedroom in Bamboo 1070 finished with two hands of Gioia 4 GE, the leitmotiv tone of the whole house.

It was during the meeting with the client in our showroom that what had to be a wall in the master bedroom was transformed into the making of an apartment almost entirely covered with Istinto.
A showy cascade of Zen along the main corridor of the dwelling accompanies the gaze in a play of volumes that hides the hidden doors, introducing the wall that divides the living area from the sleeping area covered with Pietra Spaccata, four characteristic bathrooms all entirely made with Istinto and the spectacular swimming pool that includes the fitness area, the sauna and the hammam entirely covered with Bamboo.

A long and satisfying work that leads us today to be published in a magazine of the caliber of AD.
We just have to celebrate with you all this shared success in the hope that this is the first of a long series.
The most beautiful houses in the world are made with Istinto.

Photographic Catalog of FILIDISETA
Posted on 18/05/2018

In January 2018 we launched this beautiful product that, with just one coat, gives to the wall the feeling of a silk fabric.

We also started delivering the Catalogs in a Panorama format for Retailers and in the Casual format for Creative Painters.

Now with the aim of illustrating the product applied and to make this aesthetic effect known to all customers, we present a beautiful catalog that illustrates with 12 wonderful photographs what you can easily obtain with FILIDISETA.

With these photos, it is like to "touch" the wall to excite for, convince and desire this Aesthetics.

You can view here below the video where I tell about the new format to our sales force.

Protective eyewear
Posted on 17/05/2018

Your Eyes are important to us.

This is an invitation not to overlook a very important protection when working with lime products like Spatula Stuhhi, Seguil il Tuo Istinto, Spirito Libero and Muro Naturale:


Lime, in fact, a very natural product of great tradition which guarantees perfect hygiene, breathability and fights molds, is dangerous for the eyes.

Many of you already know this, but think they are lucky or expert, while someone else does not know this until he/she goes to the emergency room where the danger of this event is discovered.
The solution is simple: protective glasses designed to contain any eyeglasses and with the precautions not to cloud vision.

This is what you need when working with lime, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU MAKE CEILINGS.

Do not save on this protection, your eyes are too important and I have heard many of you with this problem.

That's why we sell them for the ridiculous price of 10 euros + VAT. Everyone can now take care of their eyes.

Ask for our glasses to your dealer.

Posted on 16/05/2018

FILIDISETA gives the luxurious feeling of a wall covered in pure silk, with its magical luster and the contrast of its Opaque Threads, available in 169 Colors.

Its thready nature helps to hide any imperfections in the walls.

It offers good washability but can be furtherly protected with Vetro Lucido or Vetro Opaco for a complete washability warranty.

It contains acrylic Resins and Natural Sands. It is applied in one coat with our brush. If you want a greater amount of "threads", a second coat of FilidiSeta can be applied.

These days it is in distribution.
If you want to take part in a Master course, contact your Reseller.

Posted on 06/02/2018

It seems like yesterday to me, but the years pass quickly one after another.

When we launched Spatula Stuhhi in 1990, it looked like a fleeting 'fashion' product.
Instead, here it is after 28 years, in all its freshness and vitality, and still unbeatable if you pass me the term.
Its natural technical features, its Naturality, the sense it gives to the touch, the marvel it brings with its colors, make it a unique and unsurpassable product nowadays.

For this reason, I decided to rejuvenate its look with a Logo and Catalog Cover restyling, which would enhance it as a modern product, worthy of joining the 2018 Design.

The Logo and Cover graphics will perfectly be aligned to Muro Naturale and will stay with us for all 2018.

So, Happy Birthday Spatula Stuhhi!

Here you can view a video telling about this 28th birthday.

New Year, New Cans!
Posted on 05/01/2018

2017 is now history. It was a good year and we worked hard to extend the knowledge about how to apply Segui il tuo ISTINTO.

We have done about 400 completely Free Masters at our dealers educating about 10 applicators per each training course.

With this initiative we tried to make a contribution to those who participated to raise their skills.

Now, about 4,000 participants in these events are ready to become CREATIVE PAINTERS.

At the end of 2017 we introduced Muro Naturale.

And now we are in 2018.

The first novelty of this year is the image of Segui il tuo Istinto and Spatula Stuhhi cans, that will line up with Muro Naturale as you can see from the picture above.

Spatula Stuhhi container will therefore change totally. During the first few months you will see all the formats of these products change towards this more captivating and modern image.

Of course we have a short video that shows this change.

Happy New 2018 to everyone.